Thursday, February 09, 2006

PRWeek says Start Your Search Engines

Our PR team over at Mason and Onofrio put a nice little article on my desk this morning from the latest issue of PRWeek. I have been talking to the PR team for a while on how to use our SEO tools to research and integrate keywords into their press releases to be picked up by the major engines and news sites. We also work with them to RSS enable their clients news pages so they are also indexed by the RSS search engines as well.

Anyway, the article does a good job of summarizing the three major tenets of search engine marketing:

1. Keyword rich text
2. Good clean code and site architecture
3. Strong link development

The article also uses a new term for social book marking:
Folksonomics - ways to organize digital content in a transparent and community-minded way. Very interesting way of describing sites such as spurl and

They also touch on Google Base. I've been reading about this for a little while now, but I don't actually think I ever posted about it! My initial thought was that this was one of the Google experiments that wasn't quite ready for prime time. However the interesting idea about this is that people upload their content to Google instead of waiting for Google to come and spider their site. Kind of a search index push instead of search engine pull. If this takes off, it could be another avenue to get your product, service or offer into the Google database. Interesting.

Check out the full article here.

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