Thursday, July 21, 2005

Online AdSpend Rose 11% in Q2, to Rise Another 10% in Q3 Says Deutsche Bank Survey

According to an article in MarketerToday:

In a survey of 116 media executives Deutsche Bank determined that Q2 saw an 11% increase in online adspend, due to an influx of online marketers and a "scarcity of premium content" according to a MediaPost article.

More findings, in a convenient list format:

70%: Marketers who expect online ad spending to increase in Q3
66%: Respondents whose clients' spending increased since Q1
48%: Marketers who increased their budgets
12%: Marketers who increased their budgets more than 30%
10%: Predicted increase of budgets for Q3
9%: Increase in prices for premium inventory

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